That is a pretty strong statement but it is true. While everyone seems to be looking for the magic pill to improve health, we have the cure and best preventive medical approach - Quality Physical Education.
See below all the benefit of physical education. This is why we often say, "PE Teachers have The Most Important Job in America." Check out our Most Important Job in America campaign for important facts.
Physical education(PE) is the most powerful (and unappreciated) 'medicine' for present and future health issues - For the body, mind and spirit. Physical education in schools captures everyone and not those who want to be active. It teaches great life and health lessons. Putting it simply, PE conditions a child to be more active and healthy adults.
However, there are trends around the world which are disturbing. UNESCO states, "physical education is in decline across all world regions". In the USA, the average school budget for PE is $764 per year. Almost 50% of schools in the USA have eliminated PE and many have cut recess as well.
On the positive side, we have more and evidence and research that physical education is the ultimate solution to producing a more healthy world....for a body, mind and spirit of humans.
Improved physical fitness
Skill and motor skills development
Provides regular, healthful physical activity
Teaches self discipline
Facilitates development of student responsibility for health and fitness
Influence moral development, leadership, cooperate with others
Stress reduction – an outlet for releasing tension and anxiety
Strengthened peer relationships
Physical education can improve self-confidence and self-esteem
Respect - PE helps you respect your body, classmates and teammates
Experience in setting goals
Improved academics - The big bonus benefit