Let's be real. We are not taking care of our kids. USA kids are failing, especially versus our #1 competitor, when it comes to children's health, fitness, academic performance and screen-time. Below are 4 specific steps we must take to make USA Kids #1 again!
Make a REAL commitment to our kids' health, fitness and academic performance.
Try new approaches that have been under-appreciated. Present approaches are NOT working.
Believe increased physical activity is 'The Miracle Drug' that will make things dramatically better. Click on the Miracle Drug link to learn why.
Believe increased physical education in schools is the best and most economical way to improve all the major issues our kids are facing.
Here are the 'call to actions' to parents, businesses and our government can make USA kids #1 again!

Increase your families physical activity time. Realize the benefits of physical activity. Former CDC Head, Dr. Thomas Frieden has said, "Physical activity is the closest thing we have to a wonder drug".
Get involved with your school's curriculum. Tell school leaders every child must be active in physical education classes 5 days a week...30 minutes per day. PE must be taught by a certified PE teacher. No exceptions.
Please make sure your child's diet is proper. The 2 building blocks to improve your child's health are healthy eating and increasing physical activity.
Reduce children's screen-time. America, we have a problem. Substitute screen-time with increased physical activity.

The most efficient way to become #1 again is to make sure every child has physical education 5 days a week...30 minutes per day. PE must be taught by a certified PE teacher. Schools are where 'All the Kids Are". Being active every day will help them in many ways including improved academic performance.
Pass legislation at the state or national level requiring these levels of PE for every school.
Please, no waivers and enforce your laws. Too many schools and kids get waivers from existing laws.
A quality Physical Education Teacher has The Most Important Job in America. Don't believe us? Tell me one job that does even half of the things a quality PE Teacher does. See these at the
Even if your schools don't have a PE teacher, you can implement economical physical activity programs, some which cost as little as $10 per child. Learn about those programs HERE.
Make sure schools have recess too. Kids can't sit all day. They need to move.

While we can look at the family to make changes, some families don't have the resources.
Many kids are walking 'healthcare time bombs". When they grow up their body structure and limited strength will result in huge long-term costs.
As part of your social responsibility program, invest and promote school physical education programs. This is where kids learn basic physical skills they need for life. Schools are the 'true roots' of physical and mental health for our children. 'Adopt' and support schools in your area. PHIT America can help you with this.
For the sports & fitness industry, I see too many companies who invest in sports programs only. They forget about the 'roots' of the sports & fitness industry, school physical education programs. This is where kids learn basic skills to play any sport or to build the confidence to be active in any sports. Invest in all kids to be active...not just try to create serious players and consumers.
PHIT America has a long-term plan for our government and businesses to fix this issue. We can wipe out the 'Inactivity Pandemic' with the proper commitment and make USA Kids #1 again. Contact Jim Baugh, Founder of PHIT America, at, to be part of this plan. We can implement this plan nationally or regionally. Join our team!